
Apply to be a 2025 Ephventures leader here!



EphVentures is a uniquely Williams program that begins the day after you arrive on campus and lasts about 3 days. At the heart of your First Days (orientation) experience you will participate in one of several EphVenture options that will be one of your earliest connections to community. Depending on which EphVenture program you select, you can focus on developing your leadership skills, knowledge of the Berkshires, awareness of arts and culture in the region, and understanding of the connections between environmental sustainability, identity, and social justice. Experience the opportunity to build lasting friendships and gain an appreciation for the campus community through this shared experience.

Please note that Team Eph is for fall athletes only. Non-fall athletes and non-athletes must select from Leading Minds, Exploring the Arts, Where Am I?, WOOLF, or ROOT.

A word about religious observance…


Leading Minds
Were you a leader in high school? Did you enjoy the engaging experiences that you had? Do you want to advance those experiences into your time here at Williams? Do you want a jumpstart to your future as a Student Leader? Then Leading Minds is for you!
Exploring the Arts
Join us for all things creative! Together we’ll explore the arts and cultural opportunities available to us at Williams and in the greater Berkshire community. Preview music, theater, dance, visual art, writing and other on-campus opportunities in faculty-, artist-, and student-led workshops. We’ll also travel to cultural destinations in Berkshire County for performances, social events, exhibitions, local history, and more.
Where Am I?
What’s a Berkshire? Where do cows like to be petted? Do Vermonsters bite? Should I put my pinky up to drink maple syrup from the bottle? How many Williams students does it take to build a campfire on Stonehill? “If you don’t know where you are, you don’t know who you are.” – Wendell Berry
A great way to begin your Williams experience is by getting to know your surroundings! Take this opportunity to spend four days off-campus bonding with a small, diverse group of your classmates off in the purple mountains. No experience is expected or necessary!
Team Eph
Specifically designed for the first-year fall student-athlete who will be participating in pre-season practices. TeamEph participants will build community with each other, and learn how to juggle the rigors and joys of being a student-athlete while also contributing to the larger Williams community.
Are you passionate about issues of social identity, sustainability, and justice? Are you interested in building community with like-minded peers who want to make the world a better place? Join us to inspire the next generation of mindful Ephs by meeting local community stakeholders, engage with histories of injustice at Williams and beyond, and discuss how we might work as changemakers and advocates to bring about a more just and sustainable world.